January Classes -Updated 12-14-21

Battles, Hassles, Tantrums, and Tears Book

Here is what we are offering in January at Parents Place:

Battles, Hassles, Tantrums, and Tears. A four week class on parental and children's anger. Week one covers conflict resolution styles and seven techniques for handling conflict. Week two talks about self-defeating messages and discipline. Week three is on the anger cycle, calming techniques, and tantrums. Week four is all about communication and implementation. This class starts Tuesday January 11, 2022 at 6pm. Call 360-414-9212, text 360-360-6761, message us at Parents Place Updates, or e-mail kathiegriffin50@hotmail.com for more information or to register. 

Children in Between: This class is for people who are co-parenting in separate households. It meets the WA ST requirement of a 4hr. parenting class on the effects of divorce/separation on children. Thursday January 6, 2022 6-9pm. $40. No scholarships or childcare available. Call 360-414-9212, text 360-360-6761, message us at Parents Place Updates, or e-mail kathiegriffin50@hotmail.com for more information or to register. 

Ready for Kindergarten. Free online workshop for families with children born between 9-1-16 and 8-31-21. Receive a Ready toolkit and learn how to use the materials 10 minutes a day so your child is ready to learn on their first day of kindergarten. Workshops will be available online starting Monday January 3, 2022. Register at readyforkindergarten.org/parentsplace/schedule . 

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