Strengthening Families 10-14 at Woodland Middle School

Strengthening Families is a free 7wk. class for parents/caregivers AND their 10-14yr. olds. Parents/caregivers and youth must attend together.

Parents learn communication skills and and understanding of preteens/teens. Youth learn to appreciate their parents and peer resistance skills. Families practice their new skills through fun games and activities in the family hour each week. Dinner, childcare, and prizes included.

Contact: Ramona Leber, WSU/SFP Coordinator,, 360-261-3971, Dee Ray, Woodland Schools,, 360-841-2850, or

Garrett DeGraaff, Woodland Schools,, 360-841-2850 to sign up.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm

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