Recent News

Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 1:18pm

We have three classes starting in February.

Battles, Hassles, Tantrums, and Tears starts Monday February 3 from 6-7:30pm. This four week class is about parental anger, children's anger, appropriate discipline, calming techniques, and more. If you need to bring children to class with you, please bring snacks and something to keep them busy.

Growing Up Again starts Thursday February 6 from 10am to noon. This class takes you back through your childhood to heal from your parent's poor parenting or to highlight the wonderful things your parents did so you can repeat that with your own children. Expectant parents encouraged to attend. Due to the subject matter, children over 2yrs. old are unable to be in class. 

Active Parenting Today starts Tuesday February 25 from 6-8pm. This six week class is for people with children four to fourteen years of age. It talks about understanding children's behavior (why are you doing that?), problem solving, family communication, school success, and more. This will be the first time we are offering this updated version of the curriculum. If you are bringing children to class with you, please bring snacks and something to keep them busy. 

Call 360-414-9212 for more information or to sign up. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 12:26pm

We are starting off the year with three classes in January. 

Children in Between is Saturday January 4th from 8am to noon. This class on co-parenting meets the Washington State requirement of a four hour parenting class on the effects of divorce/separation on children. $40.

Active Parenting the First Five Years starts Thursday January 9th from 10am to noon. This four week class is for people raising or working with children birth through five years old. $20 per week, adjustable upon request. 

Love and Logic: Adults Supporting Youth with Challenging Pasts starts Tuesday January 14th from 6-8pm. This class is for parents (birth, foster, adoptive) and anybody who works with children who have experienced abuse, trauma, or loss. $20per week, adjustable upon request. $10 for the workbook, not adjustable and it is required to successfully complete the class. Children two years old and younger can be in class with parents who don't have alternate childcare. Children over two years old cannot attend with parents due to the topics covered in this class. 

The READY! for Kindergarten online workshops open on Monday January 6. Free workshops for families with children born between 9-1-19 and 8-31-24. Learn how to use a READY! toolkit 10 minutes a day to prepare your child to be a lifelong learner. You will receive the READY! toolkit after completing the online workshop. Register at . Contact us if you prefer an in-person workshop. We would be glad to schedule one. 

Call 360-414-9212, Text 360-665-8604, e-mail, or message us, Parents Place Updates, on Facebook or Instagram for more information. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 1:18pm

November is a month of Love and Logic at Parents Place.

We are offering Love and Logic: Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun on Tuesday evenings starting November 12 from 6-8pm. This five week class is for raising children of any age. The fee is $20 per week, $25 for a couple, adjustable upon request. If you are bringing children, bring snacks and something to keep them busy during class.

We are also offering Love and Logic: Adults Supporting Youth with Challenging Pasts starting Wednesday November 6 from 10am to noon. This six week class is for anybody raising or working with children who have experienced trauma and loss. The class fee of $20 per week, $25 for a couple, is adjustable. There is a mandatory $10 fee for the workbook. Due to the nature of the class, children over 2yrs. old are not allowed to attend. 

Call 360-414-9212 with questions or to register for a class. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 11:34am

By request we are offering Battles, Hassles, Tantrums, and Tears again starting Tuesday September 10. This class will meet every Tuesday from 6-7:30pm for four weeks. Learn about parental anger, children's anger, calming techniques, appropriate discipline, and more. If you are bringing children with you to class, bring snacks and something to keep them busy. Call 360-414-9212 with questions or to register for class. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 12:39pm

We are offering Active Parenting the 1st 5yrs. on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm starting August 6. This class is for people raising children birth through 5ys. old. Learn about ages and stages, brain development, age appropriate discipline, and more. If you need to bring children with you to class, bring snacks and something to keep them busy during class. Call 360-414-9212 for more information or to register. 
