June Classes

We are starting two more classes in June.

Active Parenting the 1st 5 years starts Thursday June 6 from 6-8pm. This four week class is about raising children birth through five years old. There is no childcare available and if you need to bring children with you to class, bring snacks and something to keep them busy during class. The fee is $20 per week, adjustable upon request.

We are also offering Love and Logic: Adults Supporting Youth with Challenging Pasts starting Wednesday June 19 from 10am to noon. This six week class is for anyone working with or raising children who have experienced trauma and/or loss. There is a $10 fee for the book and the book is necessary to attend the class. Because we will talk about difficult subjects, children over two years old cannot be in class with you. If bringing younger children to class with you, please bring snacks and something to keep them busy during class. The fee is $20 per week, adjustable upon request. 

Call 360-414-9212 for more information or to register for class.  

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