Starting Thursday May 4, 2023 from 6-8pm. This 4wk. class focuses on parental anger and children's anger. Learn different conflict resolution styles, appropriate discipline, calming techniques, and family communication. $20/$25 per week, adjustable upon request. No chilcare provided. If you need to bring your children with you to class, please bring them snacks and something to keep them busy during class. Call 360-414-9212 to register.
Recent News
The online READY! for Kindergarten workshops for Spring are now open. These free workshops are for families with children born between 9-1-17 and 8-31-22. Receive a READY! tool kit and learn how to use the materials 10min. per day to give your child the chance to enter kindergarten at or above grade level. Register any time at .
Los talleres de Preparación para el Kinder ya estan disponible. Son para familias con hijos nacidos entre 9-1-17 y 8-31-22. Registre aqui: . Contactanos si prefiere asistir en persona. 360-414-9212.
We are offering Active Parenting the 1st 5yrs. this month. This four week class is for people raising or working with children birth through 5yrs. old. Learn ages and stages, age appropriate discipline techniques, brain development, and more. It starts Thursday March 23 from 6-8pm. Call us at 360-414-9212 to register. We do not have childcare available but you are welcome to bring your children with you. Please bring snacks and something to keep them busy during class.
We have received requests for this class and we are offering it again starting Tuesday February 14, 2023. Fee is adjustable upon request. We do not have childcare at this time. Please let us know if you are bringing children with you. Also, bring snacks for them and something for them to do.
We are offering the READY! for Kindergarten 3-4 workshop in-person on Thursday January 19 at 10:30am. This is for people with children born between 9-1-18 and 8-31-19. It is still availble online as well. Register at . Contact us at 360-414-9212 with any questions.