This is an older class but relevant for today's world. Children and their parents are too dependent on social media to determine their self-worth. Also, as we re-enter society after the pandemic, this class can refresh your face-to-face communication skills. Learn how to be comfortable with yourself, gain confidence in your ability to parent, learn respectful ways to reject toxic messages, and more. Class starts Thursday June 17 from 6-8pm. Contact us at 360-414-9212 for more information or to sign up.
Recent News
The Spring session of Ready for Kindergarten is open for enrollment. Give your child the best start on their 1st day of school by receiving a Ready Tool Kit and learning how to use it 10min. a day every day until your child starts kindergarten to prepare them for school success. This is a self-directed online class made free thanks to the generosity of United Way of Cowlitz County. This class is for families with children born between 9/1/2015 - 8/31/2020.
This class is currently being offered between 3/16/21 - 4/16/21. Go to to enroll in the class.
The Cowlitz Community Network recently received a $60,000 grant to increase childcare capacity in the local area. In order to properly assess the quality of childcare and to improve these services, the Cowlitz Community Network is looking for families to complete a survey asking about their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes regarding childcare in the Cowlitz area. This survey is intended for parents/caregivers within Cowlitz County. Below is a link to their survey:
The Cowlitz County Early Learning Coalition is hosting it's 3rd annual Celebration of Children event from April 12-17th! The Celebration of Children is a week long event focused on celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers, families, and our community.
What activities are involved?
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will not be a one-day event like in the past years. This year, families will be provided with "Grab and Go" bags filled with community information for parents and fun activities for children! Information about pickup locations and times are not solidified yet.
During the Week of the Young Child, April 12-17th, children and families can join the Celebration of Children 2021 by posting photos, comments, and videos to the Celebration of Children Cowlitz County Facebook page to share with the rest of the community while also giving them a chance to win giveaway prizes!
Email or visit if you have any questions about the upcoming event.
The Washington Interagency Fatherhood Council is hosting the 3rd annual Washington Fatherhood Summit. This will be a three day, online event will have a variety of activities and speakers promoting fatherhood inclusion, equity, and values to strengthen families and maximize children's potentials. Fathers, providers, policy makers, philanthropists, and fatherhood advocates will be giving presentations and hosting conversations to help everyone maximize their potentials as fathers. This event is free and will be available on zoom for anyone who registers.
More information and registration is available here at: